Good health practices can help prevent sickness

Proactive healthcare begins by addressing small issues early to prevent larger problems later. Whether it is for a service that is shareable with our netWell membership, or for your general health and wellness, the strategy is the same- be proactive in developing preventative care habits.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 tells us “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body” (NIV). Paul is reminding us that we are called to bring glory to God in every aspect of their lives, including how we treat and use our bodies.

Here are a few health tips for having a healthy summer :

Reflect on you family history and take action– Do you know what health concerns run in your family? This may reveal facts that better inform you on weighing risks and different proactive approaches for your health. If you don’t know you family history, this is a great time to find out.

Keep asking questions– Awareness and action are the keys to preventative care.

Talk to your Primary Care Physician– Talk to a trusted medical professional regarding which tests you should undergo and their recommended timing and locations. Discuss with your doctor the steps you should take to ensure good health and supplement your knowledge by researching further into the information you are provided.

A closing prayer, to encourage you today and for this month of July.

“May healing and strength rest upon this community,
May each heart be filled with peace and resilience in times of challenge.
May wisdom guide our decisions for the well-being of all,
And may compassion bind us together in unity and care.

May health abound in our bodies, minds, and spirits,
May we walk in harmony, supporting one another with love.
May our actions reflect kindness and generosity,
And may joy and gratitude be our constant companions.

May the blessings of wholeness and vitality be upon us,
Today and always, as we journey together in faith and hope.
And may He who has granted us these things receive the glory and honor for it. Amen.”

Happy July and blessings from the netWell Team.

*The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and not meant as medical advice. It is solely the opinion of the writer. This is not meant to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health professional. *