Prepared For Emergencies

As we step into the summer months, it’s important to consider the well-being of our loved ones in the context of warmer temperatures and potential health challenges. With this in mind, we’d like to share some essential insights into whento visit the emergency room, telemedicine, or urgent care.

DO know the signs of emergency situations:
• Severe chest pain or difficulty breathing
• Uncontrolled bleeding or severe injuries
• Loss of consciousness or confusion
• Persistent high fever in infants and young children

DO consider telemedicine for non-emergency concerns:
• Mild respiratory symptoms
• Common cold or flu symptoms
• Minor injuries like sprains of strains
• Follow-up appointments for chronic conditions

DO assess the urgency of the situation:
• Evaluate the severity of symptoms and determine if the situation can be
managed through virtual consultation or requires hands-on medical attention.

DON’T hesitate to visit the emergency room for life-threatening situations:
• Trust your instincts, and if you believe a situation is an emergency, seek
immediate medical attention.

DON’T neglect preventative measures:
• Be proactive with your healthcare decisions.

If you feel like hands on attention is be needed beyond a telemedicine call, and it not an emergency, an Urgent Care will give the attention you need and will refer you to an emergency room if more serious and needed.

*Please note: These are common situations that may occur and are for the purposes of examples only. * Final sharing determinations may require additional information to process your request. netWell utilizes a “24-Month lookback period”, as described in your netWell member guide. Sharing determinations and eligibility will be assessed through review of medical records requested and received from your Provider.